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Biden et. al: Creeping Fascism

I have been seeing more and more stories about parents annoyed by various and sundry school board policies in various counties across the country. The latest imbroglio is over Joe Biden’s directive to the Justice Department to have the FBI investigate any parents they deem to be too aggressive in their protests against school board members. This, despite numerous promises by Biden that he would not ever direct the DOJ to investigate or prosecute any matter. Numerous times on the campaign trail, Biden promised a completely independent Justice Department.
It is, perhaps, a tempest in a teapot, given the FBI’s inability to successfully investigate damn near anything.
It is time to remind parents that they are the masters of the school board, and not its serfs. As far as I know, local school boards are all elected positions. So my advice to these parents is simple. Vote every singles school board member out. None of this “my guy is OK, your guy is terrible” nonsense. Make them all disappear. Each and every one.
This will have at least two salutary effects. First, it will get rid of those that the parents consider miscreants and malfeasors. Second, and more important, it will serve notice that school board members are employees and not rulers. And continue the policy oh wholesale removals until they get the message.
There is also a second issue with this whole FBI/DOJ thing. All during the Trump years, we were bombarded with the idea that Trump was a nascent dictator, just waiting for the opportunity to grab power. But, oddly enough, he never directed the DOJ to investigate Maxine Waters for calling for harassment against administration members. But Biden has.
It gets boring, after a while, to point out Democrat hypocrisy. It is, at this point, just low-hanging fruit; the democrats face no scrutiny from the media on those issues anyway. But it is instructive to remind people that the only dictators-in-waiting that America has managed have both been democrats. Huey Long and FDR were certainly not republicans.
And in up to the minute news, calls are going out from the left to give government the power to censor social media. It is sort of funny to see republican talking heads defend Facebook’s freedom of speech after the last 6 years. I would weep no tears to see Facebook disappear. Or Instagram or Tik-tok. What is less funny is the immediate turn of the left to fascism. Censorship and investigating troublesome people. We live in dangerous times.

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